How To Get Rid Of Spiders In Your Home
The Best Way To Get Rid Of Spiders In Your Home
A spider family has moved into your house and won’t be leaving any time soon. Since they eat bugs, they are good to have around, but too many can be dangerous to your health. You can banish those pesky pests from your home with Pest Arrest. Call (303) 325-7334 for a free quote, and let us get rid of spiders today!
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What Are The Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Spiders?
It’s not as easy as it seems to get rid of spiders. There are many kinds of this pest, and it can be tough to get rid of them. Let’s look at ways to eliminate these annoying little critters in your home.
1. Keep Your House Clean And Clutter-Free
Spiders love dark, hidden places where they can build their webs undisturbed. By decluttering and keeping surfaces clean, you can make it harder for spiders to live in your home. You should vacuum and dust regularly to remove spider eggs from your carpets or shelves.
2. Block Entry Points
Take a walk around your home and look for any cracks or gaps that spiders could use to get inside. These can be in door frames, window frames, or anywhere else where there’s an opening into your home. Once you’ve found these entry points, seal them with caulk or another sealant. This will also keep them and other bugs away, like ants and cockroaches.
3. Keep Food Stored Properly
Spiders are attracted to food, so storing your food in airtight containers is essential. This includes pantry items as well as garbage cans and pet food bowls. If you don’t leave any food out, they will not have anything to eat, and they will go away.

4. Sticky Traps
If spiders get into your home, you can catch them with sticky traps. You can set these traps where these critters or their webs have been found. Many sticky traps have poisons in them that kill them right away. But it is always better to kill them with natural methods than chemicals. These chemicals are harmful and can hurt your pets and family.
5. Use Natural Repellents
There are many natural options if you don’t want to use chemical pesticides in your house. Peppermint oil is a good choice because it smells nice, and these critters hate it! You can use essential oils to protect your home. These oils include lemon, orange, eucalyptus, clove, and tea tree oil. You can also use vinegar to repel spiders.
- Peppermint Oil
You can also keep them away from your home with peppermint oil. Put some peppermint oil on window sills, outside doors, and anywhere else you want them to stay away for good. You can also mix some water with some peppermint oil. Spray it in places where spiders or their webs have been seen. They won’t come into your home because of the strong smell of these oils.
- Garlic Spray
Another great natural way is to use garlic. It has a strong smell that tells these critters to stay away from your home so they don’t smell it. You can boil garlic cloves and mix them with water. Spray it in places where spiders or their webs have been seen. You can also rub garlic cloves around your doors and windows to keep bugs away. So, they won’t come into your home because of these strong smells.
- Liquid Detergents
Liquid detergents are another great way to remove these critters in a natural way that won’t hurt you or the spiders. Mix it with water and spray it where you can see them. Like liquid detergent, you can also use liquid soap to clean things. Make sure the mixture smells very strong. Once you spray it in places, these critters will avoid those places, and the mixture will wash away.
Cedar Oil
Cedar oil is another natural way how to keep spiders away. You can make a mixture of water and cedar oil. Then spray it around your doors, windows, and anywhere else you want to keep them out for good. You can also sprinkle this solution in areas where you’ve seen these critters. As a result, they won’t come into your home.

Citrus Peels
Using citrus peels is another excellent way to keep spiders out of your home. If you have oranges, lemons, or grapefruit on hand, you can use them. Using their peels, you can get rid of spiders without killing them. Just rub the peels of citrus fruits on the floor or scatter them around your doors and windows. Because of this, the smells will keep them out of bounds forever.
Onion Peel Spray
Mix some onion peel with water and spray it around your doors, windows, and other places you don’t want spiders. You can also rub these on the floor or sprinkle them in places where you have seen spiders or their webs.
Vinegar is another excellent way to get rid of them without killing them. All you have to do is put white vinegar in a spray bottle. Then, spray the solution around your doors, windows, and other places you don’t want these critters to be. Pour this solution in areas where these critters or their webs have been seen. The vinegar smell will tell them they are not welcome, so they won’t return.
Fill a shallow container with cornmeal and permanently put some in areas where you want them out. You can even sprinkle cornmeal around your doors, windows, and other places you don’t want them to enter. The smell of the cornmeal will make them think that there are ants here who will eat them up, so they won’t come near the cornmeal.
Coffee Grounds
Mix coffee grounds with water and pour it permanently in areas where you want these critters out. You can even sprinkle coffee grounds around your doors, windows, and other places you don’t want them to enter. The smell of the coffee will make them think they are not worthy of their food source, so they won’t come near the coffee grounds.
Baking Soda
You must sprinkle some baking soda in areas where you don’t want these critters and their webs permanently. The smell of baking soda will make them think that this is not a good place for them to live, so they will stay away from entering your home.
Salt is another great natural way of getting rid of this pest without harming them. You can permanently pour salt in areas where you don’t want them to stay. You can even sprinkle salt around your doors, windows, and other places you don’t want them to enter. The smell of the salt will make them think that there are predators in this area, so they won’t come near the salt.
Eucalyptus Oil
Mix water and eucalyptus oil and spray it on areas where you have permanently seen spiders or their webs. You can also rub it on floors and around doors, windows, and other places they don’t want them to enter. The pungent smell of the eucalyptus oil will keep them away from your home for good.
Spiders may not be the most famous creatures around, but there’s no need to be afraid of them! Following these simple tips, you can eliminate spiders in the house and keep them from returning.
The one-time treatment from Pest Arrest can get rid of your pest problem. Our team will find out where the pests are coming from and make a treatment plan that fits your needs. Ensure that we will get rid of spiders in your home safely. Dial (303) 325-7334 for a free quote, and let us make your home free from pests.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Because some spiders are attracted to moisture, they seek refuge in basements, crawl spaces, and other damp areas of a home. Other spiders prefer to live in drier environments, such as air vents, high upper corners of rooms, and attics.
Leaving lights on after dark: Just as a bear is drawn to a flowing river full of leaping fish, spiders are drawn to bright lights surrounded by flying insects. Spiders will congregate in any location near an insect-attracting light.
Myth: Using Dryer Sheets to Repel Mosquitoes, Spiders, and Rodents. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims. Wiping dryer sheets along baseboards and corners may appear effective because they collect dust and crumbs, both of which attract pests.